Job Description
Abacus House Clearance was called and appointed for a house clearance in Burnley earlier this month, by a woman who needed a house clearance for her mother’s one bedroom flat.
The customer’s mother was living in the flat on her own and had been for over 5 years’, when her husband passed in 2013. She had not been very well over the past few months and had been in hospital since the start of April. She was suffering with an illness and after over a month in the hospital, she had passed away.
With the mother being in her 70s, she had collected and gathered a large amount of items and home furnishings, and the flat was cluttered. Rather than going through all of the items and seeing whether they were eligible for donation, she opted for a house clearance in Burnley.
When calling Abacus House Clearance as the clearance company for her house clearance in Burnley, she informed the team that all personal and sentimental items had been removed from the flat and taken to her house. The contents remaining in the apartment could all be disposed, so that it could be cleaned and prepared for sale.
Job Location
Job Type
House Clearance
One Bedroom Flat
Disposal of Contents
After receiving the call, we put the date in the diary and arrived at the time and date required for the clearance. We collected the keys from the customer and headed to her mother’s apartment, where we started by clearing the smaller home decor, furnishings and clothing that was left. We then bagged these items up and loaded them onto the recycling van, ready for transport.
We then lifted the larger furniture items and kitchen appliances, such as fridges, sofas, tables etc. This was then loaded onto the van and sent to the nearest recycling centre in Burnley for disposal.