Job Description
Time to Complete: 5 Hours
We were appointed to clear a 3 bedroom semi detached house in Dagenham
London, including the carpets except the fixtures and fittings. The
property belonged to the council and needed to be completely cleared of
everything by the end of the day at the keys returned to the Council, as we
have cleared many council properties we knew exactly what we needed to do.
Our client told us that the property belonged to her late mother and she
also had resided at the property for a number of years, however, her name
was not on the tenancy agreement so she had to return the property back to
the council as it was too big for her to keep herself, she had found a one
bedroom property in Dagenham to rent which was fully furnished and had no
need for the goods left in her mothers property and had taken anything
that she wished to keep before we arrived. there was still a lot of
crockery, pots pans etc in the kitchen cupboards to clear and the pantry
was full of food to clear, the bedrooms still had a lot of clothes, coats
and shoes to clear and there were ornaments and bits and bobs everywhere.
We kept a lot of the ornaments, clothes, shoes and smaller pieces of
furniture to one side which we could donate to charity, there was quite a
lot in the property and took two loads to clear. The job was completed in
under 5 hours.
Disposal of Contents
We took two full loads to the local recycling station in Dagenham before
returning to the property and collecting the items to donate to charity,
we locked up the property and set off to Dagenham council office to hand
back the keys before they closed then delivered the items to a charity
shop in Dagenham.
House Clearance Dagenham
Job Type
General house clearance
3 bedroom semi-detached house